
Articles Posted in Private Placements


NHB Holdings Investors Could Recover Losses

Investment fraud lawyers are currently investigating claims on behalf of investors who suffered losses as a result of their investment in NHB Holdings. Operating as a bank holding company, NHB Holdings uses its subsidiary, Proficio Bank, to offer banking services. NHB Holdings is based in Jacksonville, Florida, and was founded…


More Trouble for Investors of Behringer Harvard

Stock fraud lawyers have been investigating claims on behalf of investors of Behringer Harvard Holdings LLC for several months, but recent news shows even more trouble may be ahead for these investors. Apparently, Behringer Harvard is having significant difficulty making loan payments on two of its offerings. As a result,…


Paladin Realty Income Properties REIT, Wells REIT Investors Could Recover Losses

Securities fraud attorneys are currently investigating claims on behalf of investors who have suffered significant losses as a result of their investment in Wells or Paladin Realty Income Properties REITs. Reportedly, investors were recently told by Paladin Reality Income Properties Inc. that its stock would cease to be sold next…


Claim Against Stifel Nicolaus Could Mean More Arbitration Claims for Cardiac Network Promissory Note Investors

In light of a recent claim against Stifel Nicolaus, securities arbitration lawyers say other investors may come forward to recover losses sustained as a result of their investment in a Cardiac Network Promissory Note. This month, a claim was filed against Stifel to recover losses suffered by an 89-year-old veteran…


BNI Investors Could Recover Losses Through Securities Arbitration

Stock fraud lawyers are investigating potential claims on behalf of investors who suffered losses as a result of their investment in BNI Equities LLC, BNI TIC (tenant-in-common) or BNI Notes. In many cases, brokers improperly recommended the purchase of risky real estate and TIC investments offered by BNI. Many brokers…


Possible Securities Arbitration Claims for David Lerner Associates Clients

In May 2012, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority ordered David Lerner Associates Inc. to pay claimants Florence Hechtel and Joseph Graziose $24,450 following the return of their Apple REIT Nine shares to the firm. According to securities arbitration lawyers, this could be the first of possibly hundreds of securities arbitration…


Pacific Cornerstone Faces More Problems; FINRA Arbitration Offers Hope for Investors

Securities arbitration lawyers continue to file claims against Pacific Cornerstone Capital Inc. on behalf of investors. In a February Securities and Exchange Commission filing, Pacific Cornerstone stated that it was “involved with an arbitration proceeding before FINRA and one FINRA investigation.” Pacific Cornerstone did not, however, state any specifics about…


Investors of Odyssey Partnership, BGK Income, Opportunity Fund Could Recover Losses Through Securities Arbitration

Investment fraud lawyers are investigating certain private placements in potential securities arbitration claims. Two of these private placements are the BGK Income and Opportunity Fund. Allegedly, some of the broker-dealers that recommended these private placement investments could be liable for investor losses. Because of the high commission paid by private…


LPL Financial Investors of Direct Invest LLC May Be Eligible to Recover Losses Through Securities Arbitration

Investment attorneys are investigating claims on behalf of investors against LPL Financial regarding the sale of private placements. The many investors who sustained losses in private placements, specifically Direct Invest LLC, may be able to recover losses through securities arbitration. Earlier this month, a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Arbitration Panel…


Watch List Issued by FINRA

On January 31, 2012, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) posted a letter on its website outlining its 2012 priorities for regulation and examination. According to the letter, “FINRA is informing its examination priorities against the economic environment that investors have faced since 2008, as these circumstances have steadily contributed…

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