
CNL Lifestyle Properties REIT Investors Could Recover Losses

Stock fraud lawyers are currently investigating claims on behalf of investors who have suffered significant losses as a result of their investment in CNL Lifestyle Properties Inc. Reportedly, a recent announcement from CNL Lifestyle Properties stated that its per share value estimate has dropped from its original share price of $10 to $7.31. This decline represents a drop of 27 percent, which could mean significant losses for many investors. Furthermore, the REIT is reportedly cutting investor dividends, or distribution.

CNL Lifestyle Properties REIT Investors Could Recover Losses

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority rules have established that brokers and firms have an obligation to fully disclose all the risks of a given investment when making recommendations, and those recommendations must be suitable for the individual investor receiving the recommendation given their age, investment objectives and risk tolerance.

The CNL Lifestyle Properties REIT is, according to investment fraud lawyers, another in a long line of non-traded REITs currently under investigation. REITs typically carry a high commission which motivates brokers to make the recommendation to investors despite the investment’s unsuitability. The commission on a non-traded REIT is often as high as 15 percent. Non-traded REITs, such as the CNL Lifestyle Properties REIT, carry a relatively high dividend or high interest, making them attractive to investors. However, these investments are inherently risky and illiquid, which limits access of funds to investors. This becomes a major problem for investors, especially retired individuals, who may need to access their funds when the need arises. For more information on REITs, see the previous blog post “FINRA Investor Alert: Public Non-Traded REITs.”

Other REITs currently being investigated by the stock fraud lawyers at CJ Gray Law are Inland Western, Inland American, KBS REIT, Cornerstone Healthcare REIT and Behringer Harvard REITs.

If you suffered losses as a result of your investment in the CNL Lifestyle Properties Inc. REIT or another non-traded REIT, you may have a valid securities arbitration claim. To find out more about your legal rights and options, contact an investment fraud lawyer at The Law Office of Christopher J. Gray at (866) 966-9598 for a no-cost, confidential consultation.

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