
Icon Leasing Fund Investors Could Recover Losses

Investment fraud lawyers are currently investigating claims on behalf of investors who suffered significant losses because of the unsuitable recommendation and sale of Icon Leasing Funds. An arbitration claim was recently filed on behalf of a retired woman who was sold these risky, illiquid investments by WFG Investments Inc. and NFP Securities Inc.

Icon Leasing Fund Investors Could Recover Losses

Specifically, potential claims involve the Icon Leasing Fund Eleven LLC and Icon Leasing Fund Twelve LLC. Allegedly, the advisor who sold the investments did not adequately explain that the funds operated as an equipment leasing program. The nature of the investment, in which capital is pooled for equipment subject to a lease, made it very risky and illiquid.

According to securities arbitration lawyers, during the offering period, the funds paid healthy distributions. However, not long after the funds were no longer for sale to new investors, the investment’s value began to rapidly decline and dividend payments became erratic. On December 31, 2012, Icon Leasing Fund 12 had suffered a 53 percent loss in value from the original offering price. For the same time period, Icon Leasing Fund Eleven suffered a staggering 84 percent decline in value.

Under FINRA rules, firms have an obligation to fully disclose all the risks of a given investment when making recommendations, and those recommendations must be suitable for the individual investor receiving the recommendation given their age, investment objectives and risk tolerance. According to investment fraud lawyers, many brokers are motivated to make unsuitable recommendations because of the large commissions. In the case of the Icon Leasing Funds, SEC filings reveal that 18 percent of individuals’ investment was used to pay commissions, expenses and fees.

If you received an unsuitable recommendation of Icon Leasing Fund Eleven and/or Icon Leasing Fund Twelve and suffered significant losses as a result, you may be able to recover your losses in FINRA arbitration. To find out more about your legal rights and options, contact a securities arbitration lawyer at Law Office of Christopher J. Gray, P.C. at (866) 966-9598 or newcases@investorlawyers.net for a no-cost, confidential consultation.

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