
Investors of Reef Oil and Gas Partnership Could Recover Losses

Investors who suffered losses as a result of a Reef Oil and Gas partnership investment may be able to recover losses through securities arbitration. Investment attorneys are investigating potential claims on behalf of individuals who invested in Reef Oil and Gas partnerships based on the unsuitable recommendations of various broker-dealers. Reef Oil and Gas partnerships are risky and, therefore, not suitable for many investors, especially those with a conservative portfolio.


The general partner of Reef Oil and Gas Companies, Reef Oil & Gas Partners L.P., engages in the developing, producing, and exploiting of oil and natural gas. Furthermore, it operates wells that are, or will be, drilled. Reef Oil and Gas Partners L.P. is based in Richardson, Texas and was founded in 1987.

The substantial risks of oil and gas partnerships make them investments that are only appropriate for sophisticated investors. Nevertheless, many broker-dealers have recommended them to investors for which the investment was unsuitable. Under the rules of fiduciary duty, broker-dealers must adequately disclose the investment’s risks before recommending an investment. Furthermore, they must perform adequate due diligence in determining whether or not the investment is suitable for each investor, given their individual risk tolerance and investment objectives. If a broker does not perform these necessary actions, they have committed broker misconduct in the form of making an unsuitable recommendation and can be penalized and required to return investors’ losses through securities arbitration with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. According to investment attorneys, many brokerage firms appear to have failed to perform due diligence when recommending oil and gas partnership investments to investors.

If you incurred losses as a result of oil and gas partnerships, and these investments were unsuitable for your risk tolerance and investment objectives, you may have a valid securities arbitration claim. To find out more about your legal rights and options, contact an investment attorney at The Law Office of Christopher J. Gray at (866) 966-9598 for a no-cost, confidential consultation.

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