Stock fraud lawyers have been investigating claims on behalf of investors of Behringer Harvard Holdings LLC for several months, but recent news shows even more trouble may be ahead for these investors. Apparently, Behringer Harvard is having significant difficulty making loan payments on two of its offerings. As a result, Behringer is losing real estate assets.
Securities fraud attorneys say that earlier this month, several properties related to the nontraded Behringer Harvard Opportunity REIT I went into bankruptcy protection after negotiations over debt, amounting to $48.3 million, failed. Furthermore, the Behringer Harvard Short-term Opportunity Fund I LP, a private placement, entered into a “deed in lieu of foreclosure agreement.” This agreement was entered into in June 2012 and transferred properties to the lender.
At the end of 2011, Behringer Harvard Opportunity REIT I suffered an estimated value decline of 46 percent. According to stock fraud lawyers, this decline represents a reduction from $7.66 per share a year earlier to $4.12 at the end of 2011. In addition, as of December 31, 2011, Behringer Harvard Short-term Opportunity Fund I LP investors saw their investment drop in value from $6.48 per share on December 31, 2010 to a staggering 40 cents per share. The Short-term Opportunity Fund I had total assets amounting to around $130 million. To make matters worse, the Opportunity REIT I has total assets amounting to $524.4 million, with an additional $68.4 million in debt that will mature this year.