Investment fraud lawyers are investigating certain private placements in potential securities arbitration claims. Two of these private placements are the BGK Income and Opportunity Fund. Allegedly, some of the broker-dealers that recommended these private placement investments could be liable for investor losses.
Because of the high commission paid by private placements (often as high as 10 percent), stockbrokers often make improper recommendations in order to earn the commission. If this fraud has occurred, a securities fraud attorney can help investors recover their losses through Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) securities arbitration.
Another investment currently being investigated by securities fraud attorneys is the Odyssey Limited Partnership investment. Odyssey Operating Partnership II Ltd. apparently raised $30 million from investors through limited partnership unit sales. In addition, through secured note sales, Odyssey Residential Inc., Odyssey Residential II LLC, Odyssey Property III LLC and Odyssey Diversified VI LLC raised more than $69 million. These partnerships are only appropriate for sophisticated investors and involve substantial risks. Any investment recommendations made to unsophisticated investors could be considered unsuitable.